Sunday, 30 Mar 2025

Becoming Better in Difficult Situations (Part 2)

As a volleyball player, you may think that being athletic and constantly moving is the key to being a good digger on the court. However, I believe that staying still on defense can actually improve your game. In this article, we will explore the benefits of staying still and provide some practical tips to help you develop your defensive skills.

Sit Still on Defense

When you constantly bounce around while the ball is in play, you lose contact with the floor for a brief moment. This can greatly affect your ability to react effectively to the hit. All movement in volleyball is created by applying force to the floor, so it’s crucial to maintain contact at all times. By staying still, you ensure constant contact and increase your chances of reacting properly to the hit.

Additionally, excessive movement causes your head to bob up and down, reducing your ability to see the game with precision. By keeping your head still, you can observe the entire situation on the court and react quickly based on the information you gather. This enhances your readiness and responsiveness during the game.

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Pre-hopping forward may seem like a good idea, but it actually shifts your weight to your heels, which hampers your ability to react to a ball dropping in front of you. Staying still and balanced allows you to read and react faster and more explosively. It also expands your range and makes you better prepared for any situation that arises.

Point to Point Readiness

The concept of “Point to Point Readiness” is vital in volleyball. It means that on every contact by the opponent, you should be stopped and ready to react. Here’s a simple script to illustrate this concept:

  • Serve: Get into position on base defense.
  • First contact (They pass): Stay still and read the play.
  • The pass is in the air: Continue reading the play.
  • Second contact (The setter sets/attacks): Remain still and read the situation.
  • Set is in the air: Read and move to your digging position.
  • Third contact (The hitter jumps to hit): Stay still and continue reading.
  • Hit is in the air: See the hit and react accordingly.

By adopting the principles of staying still, reading the game, and maintaining point to point readiness, you can enhance your focus and reaction speed, ultimately making defense feel easier. Practice these techniques consistently, and you’ll see a significant improvement in your defensive skills.


Q: Will staying still on defense work for all players, regardless of their athleticism?
A: Absolutely! Staying still on defense is a technique that can benefit all players, regardless of their level of athleticism. It’s about maximizing your ability to read and react to the game, rather than relying solely on physical agility.

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Q: How can I develop the habit of staying still on defense during intense gameplay?
A: Developing the habit of staying still on defense requires practice and discipline. Start by focusing on maintaining your balance and keeping your head still during drills and training sessions. Gradually apply this technique during actual gameplay, reminding yourself to stay still and read the game.


In this article, we’ve explored the importance of staying still on defense in volleyball. By resisting the urge to constantly move and bounce around, you can improve your reaction time, range, and overall defensive capabilities. Remember to adopt the principle of point to point readiness, where you remain still and ready to react on every contact by the opponent. With consistent practice and focus, you’ll become a more effective and efficient defensive player. Start implementing these techniques and witness the positive impact they have on your game!

For more volleyball tips and advice, visit