Tuesday, 22 Oct 2024

Junior Outstanding Scorer Award – USA Volleyball

The Junior Outstanding Scorer Award, presented by USA Volleyball, aims to recognize exceptional scorers within the junior volleyball community. This prestigious award celebrates individuals who consistently demonstrate outstanding quality and ability in scoring during assigned matches. Additionally, candidates are evaluated based on their ability to work collaboratively as a part of the officiating team and their regional certification status (if applicable).

Throughout the years, this esteemed award has been bestowed upon several deserving recipients, including Dixie Collins (1994), Jeff Hoppen (1995), Mike Yoe (1997), Emi Vishoot (1998), Dennis Lafata (1999), Madeline Furtado (2014), and Lauren Lange (2018). These individuals have exemplified the highest standards of scoring excellence in the junior volleyball community.

The Junior Outstanding Scorer Award not only recognizes the outstanding contributions of these scorers but also inspires and motivates others to strive for excellence in their scoring roles. It serves as a testament to the importance of teamwork, consistency, and dedication within the realm of junior volleyball officiating.


Question 1: How is the Junior Outstanding Scorer Award determined?
The Junior Outstanding Scorer Award is determined based on a set of criteria established by USA Volleyball. The criteria include factors such as consistent quality and ability demonstrated throughout assigned matches, teamwork with other members of the officiating team, and regional certification (if applicable).

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Question 2: Are there any age restrictions for the Junior Outstanding Scorer Award?
The Junior Outstanding Scorer Award is specifically designed for individuals within the junior volleyball community. However, age restrictions may vary depending on the specific guidelines set by USA Volleyball. It is recommended to refer to the official rules and regulations for further details.

Question 3: Can anyone nominate a candidate for the Junior Outstanding Scorer Award?
Nominations for the Junior Outstanding Scorer Award typically come from within the volleyball community. Coaches, officials, fellow team members, and other individuals closely involved in the junior volleyball scene often nominate candidates based on their observations and experiences.


The Junior Outstanding Scorer Award, presented by USA Volleyball, honors remarkable scorers within the junior volleyball community. Recognizing consistent quality and ability, teamwork, and regional certification, this award celebrates individuals who excel in their scoring roles. Previous recipients have set a high standard for future scorers to aspire to, inspiring excellence and dedication in the field of junior volleyball officiating. If you are passionate about volleyball and have a talent for scoring, consider aiming for the Junior Outstanding Scorer Award as a testament to your skills and contributions to the sport.

Follow the link to learn more and get involved with USA Volleyball.

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