Thursday, 24 Oct 2024

Results from Second 2017 Beach NORCECA Playoff

Betsi Flint and Kelley Larsen secured victory once again in the USAV beach NORCECA playoffs as they clinched the women’s bracket title in Manhattan Beach, California. Meanwhile, the men’s division witnessed new pairs dominating the top three spots during the second playoff.

Flint and Larsen Triumph in Women’s Bracket

Flint and Larsen, the top-seeded pair, showcased their skills by defeating Alex Klineman and Branagan Fuller in a thrilling second-round match, with a final score of 21-18, 21-14. They then continued their winning streak by overcoming Pardon and Dysktra in the semifinals, in a hard-fought battle with a score of 17-21, 21-17, 15-13. The final match was anticlimactic as Spieler and Cook were forced to withdraw due to an injury. This gave Flint and Larsen the victory by default.

New Faces Dominate the Men’s Division

In the men’s playoff, Billy Allen and Stafford Slick emerged as the champions. Slick, who previously finished third with Reid Priddy in the first NORCECA playoff of the year, teamed up effectively with Allen to secure the top spot. They defeated the duo of Kolinske and Evans in the finals, with an impressive score of 21-14, 21-15. Kolinske and Evans, seeded seventh, surprised everyone by winning three matches and eliminating higher-seeded opponents on their way to the finals. Burik and Drost finished third after defeating Mesko and Del Sol with a score of 21-15, 21-14.

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NORCECA Continental Tour Bids

The winners of the second NORCECA playoff earned a spot in the NORCECA Continental Tour, which includes three tournaments in Ochos Rios, Jamaica (June 23-25), Varadero, Cuba (July 14-16), and Punta Cana, Dominican Republic (Sept. 15-17).


Q: Who were the winners of the women’s bracket in the second 2017 beach NORCECA playoff?
A: Betsi Flint and Kelley Larsen emerged victorious in the women’s bracket.

Q: Who were the winners of the men’s bracket in the second 2017 beach NORCECA playoff?
A: Billy Allen and Stafford Slick clinched the title in the men’s bracket.

Q: Which tournaments do the winners of the second NORCECA playoff qualify for?
A: The winners of the second NORCECA playoff earned a place in the NORCECA Continental Tour, which includes tournaments in Ochos Rios, Jamaica; Varadero, Cuba; and Punta Cana, Dominican Republic.


In the second 2017 beach NORCECA playoff, Betsi Flint and Kelley Larsen triumphed in the women’s bracket, while Billy Allen and Stafford Slick emerged as the winners in the men’s division. Flint and Larsen showcased their dominance as the top-seeded pair, securing victory after their opponents, Spieler and Cook, withdrew from the final due to an injury. In the men’s division, Allen and Slick formed a strong partnership to secure the top spot, defeating Kolinske and Evans in the finals. Both winning pairs earned a place in the prestigious NORCECA Continental Tour.