Thursday, 24 Oct 2024

Tips for Fueling Vegetarian Teen Athletes

Being a vegetarian and a competitive athlete is no longer uncommon, with many successful athletes embracing plant-based diets. Legends like tennis player Martina Navratilova and NBA champions Glen Davis, James Jones, and John Salley have all achieved greatness while following vegetarian lifestyles. Even renowned athletes like Venus Williams, David Carter, Kendrick Farris, Lauren Gibbemeyer, and Dustin Watten have proven that not only can vegetarian athletes excel, but some even choose to go vegan.

Regardless of the type of sport you participate in, whether it’s endurance, strength, or combat, you can fuel your performance on a vegetarian diet. However, figuring out how to properly nourish a plant-based athlete may not be easy at first. To help vegetarian teen athletes meet their nutritional needs, here are some tips to consider.

Tip No. 1: Get Enough Protein

Protein is a crucial macronutrient for vegetarian athletes, and it’s essential to seek out plant-based sources of protein. The American Dietetic Association (ADA) recommends that vegetarian athletes increase their protein intake by 10% to compensate for plant proteins that may not be fully digested by the body. For endurance athletes, the daily protein recommendation is around 0.55-0.64g per pound of bodyweight, while more strength-based athletes should aim for 0.73-0.77g per pound of bodyweight.

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Vegetarian athletes can obtain sufficient protein by consuming beans, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and lentils. If you’re an ovo-lacto vegetarian, eggs and dairy can also be excellent sources of protein. Additionally, shakes can be a convenient and delicious way to supplement your protein intake. Try blending ice, frozen fruit, chia seeds, peanut or nut butter, and protein powder with milk or coconut milk to create a satisfying shake.

Tip No. 2: Diversify Your Diet

When transitioning to a vegetarian diet, it’s essential to avoid relying too heavily on a small selection of foods. This can lead to deficiencies in vitamins and minerals necessary for optimal health and athletic performance. To ensure you’re getting a broad range of nutrients, make it a point to “eat the rainbow” by consuming a variety of fruits and vegetables. Avoid sticking to the same foods week in and week out.

If you’re a vegetarian, pay particular attention to your intake of Vitamin B12, which is not naturally found in plant-based foods. Look for B12-fortified options such as cereals, soy milk, vegetable stock, and eggs and dairy products if you’re an ovo-lacto vegetarian.

Tip No. 3: Estimate Your Nutritional Intake

While it may not be realistic for every athlete to track every calorie and macronutrient, having a rough estimate of your protein, fat, carbohydrate, and calorie intake can help identify potential areas of improvement. Additionally, pay attention to how your diet affects your mood, energy levels, weight, and athletic performance.

If you’re a young athlete and have a regular schedule with meals prepared at home, enlist the help of your parents to log your food intake. Tools like MyFitnessPal or Cronometer can assist in determining macronutrient and calorie counts. Keeping track of these daily counts and monitoring how you feel for a few weeks can provide valuable insights on how to make small adjustments to optimize your diet and enhance your performance.

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Tip No. 4: Be Mindful of the Glycemic Index

Not all vegetarian foods are equal when it comes to their impact on blood sugar levels. Many vegetarian options have a high glycemic index (GI), meaning they rapidly raise blood sugar levels. While high GI foods are beneficial for immediate post-endurance workout recovery, consuming them at other times can lead to unwanted weight gain and spikes in blood sugar levels.

To maintain stable blood sugar levels, include low GI foods in your diet as they are digested more slowly, keeping you feeling full for longer. Familiarize yourself with the glycemic load of common vegetarian foods to make informed choices. Keep in mind that a glycemic load of 10 or below is considered low, while anything above 20 should be eaten sparingly. You can refer to resources like for more comprehensive lists of glycemic indices and loads.

Tip No. 5: Make a Gradual Transition

If you’re interested in adopting a vegetarian diet or want to explore how it impacts your athletic performance, consider making a gradual transition rather than an abrupt change. Starting with “meatless Mondays” or any other designated day can help you experiment with new recipes and adjust to the logistical challenges of a plant-based diet. Over time, you can increase the number of meatless days until you find a balance that works for you.

Remember, this is just a starting point, and it’s crucial to personalize your diet based on individual needs and goals. Seeking guidance from a registered dietitian or sports nutritionist can provide valuable insights specific to your situation.

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Q: How can vegetarian teen athletes ensure they’re getting enough protein?

A: Vegetarian athletes can ensure adequate protein intake by incorporating beans, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and lentils into their diet. Eggs and dairy products are excellent sources of protein for ovo-lacto vegetarians. Additionally, shakes made with protein powder, fruit, and nut butter can be a convenient option.

Q: Do vegetarian athletes need to supplement their diet?

A: In most cases, a well-planned vegetarian diet can provide all the necessary nutrients. However, some athletes, particularly those following a vegan diet, may benefit from supplements such as Vitamin B12, iron, and omega-3 fatty acids. It’s always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian to ensure optimal nutrition.


Fueling vegetarian teen athletes requires careful attention to protein intake, diet diversity, nutritional estimation, glycemic index awareness, and gradual transitions. By incorporating a variety of plant-based protein sources, consuming a wide range of fruits and vegetables, monitoring your nutritional intake, selecting low GI foods, and making gradual changes, vegetarian athletes can thrive in their athletic pursuits. Remember to personalize your diet based on your individual needs and goals, and consult with a professional for personalized guidance. To learn more about fueling vegetarian teen athletes, visit “” today.